Stable Isotope and Micronutrient Unit

The Stable isotope and micronutrient platform (MS-ICP Unit) is a departmental facility of the Department of Health Sciences (D-HEST)  

The ICP-MS Unit provides the following services

Provide inorganic stable isotope tracer techniques and expertise for use in food science and nutrition.
Assessment of micronutrient absorption, bioavailability, turnover

The focus of the ICP-MS Unit is to provide internal and external services for inorganic stable isotope tracer techniques for basic, preclinical, and clinical research. The quality and precision of the ICP-MS Unit for Fe and Zn measurements is not available anywhere else within Switzerland and is only matched by few other labs world-wide. The ICP-MS Unit also offers a basic clinical study setup for human nutrition studies. This allows the unit to provide an end-to-end workflow for human nutrition clinical studies for members of ETH Zurich and other local academic partners.
The ICP-MS Unit is also involved in many internal and external research projects and will supervise master student projects from ETH Zurich in the field of human nutrition and experimental diet assessments.

ICP MS Manager and Contact

Christophe Zeder
  • LFV D 22
  • +41 44 632 84 09

Ernährung u. Metabol. Epigenetik
Schmelzbergstrasse 7
8092 Zürich

Christophe Zeder

Scientific Lead

Dr. Nicole Stoffel
  • LFV A 47.1
  • +41 44 632 83 93

Ernährung u. Metabol. Epigenetik
Schmelzbergstrasse 7
8092 Zürich

Dr.  Nicole Stoffel
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